יום שישי, 19 בנובמבר 2010

"truth or dare"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is currently between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand there is pressure freezing outside, especially from the U.S. to receive a handsome and attractive benefits package. On the other hand - pressure from government ministers and commitments to government and to citizens.
Can be said that Benjamin Netanyahu, in spite of himself, playing "truth or dare" - the famous childhood game where have to choose between a genuine answer to the question of piercing and making the challenging duty. Some even say that the Prime Minister hoists the recent double-edged sword and that next month, Netanyahu will have to pass with minimal injuries - and will, no doubt. The question is how they affect the political status - the prime minister's public? That we will know very soon.

Thus, Netanyahu must participate in the game and choose between the truth - the nation of its obligations towards me, and the duty - Requirements pressure from the Americans, especially.
However, Prime Minister Netanyahu, is well-known quality and increases in sophistication of "his" ability to reject the agenda of things elegance - qualities not disabled for any politician - and certainly was on track last two days. Very can be that the prime minister had achieved a significant political effect that probably will help him through this period with minimal injuries.
Netanyahu seems to have guarantees from the White House requires a written obligation, package the state offered terms that Americans generously.
This requirement of Benjamin Netanyahu expressed total disbelief in American policy commitments, fasten Obama and put him in embarrassing situation - especially toward the Palestinians entered by rumors of the deal and nothing more - and giving the Israeli prime minister against the reaction time pressures at home.

One can understand this requirement of Benjamin Netanyahu. It was the same Obama who, together with other White House staff, fell silent at Netanyahu and the Israeli government demands that the United States will act according to the same policies that Bush promised Sharon - the de facto recognition of the largest settlements in blocs. Bush, as noted, expressly agreed not to continue construction in the settlement blocs, but revealed an understanding that Israel will continue in the future, even after the order, keep in major Israeli population centers, and otherwise - is recognized Israel's right to continue construction in these places.
Nevertheless, Obama completely ignored Bush's commitments and demanded a freeze in all Judea and Samaria - leading Netanyahu to freeze construction in settlements in for ten months - an act that is unmatched in the world.

Benefits package for the U.S. government's tempting. Could and should understand the Benjamin Netanyahu and his thinking - especially in terms of strategy - security.
Hard to say no to Obama's move. In addition to the extraordinary pressure of the Americans on the prime minister, there are unprecedented promises that include "package" a fine of 20 aircraft worth $ 3 billion in addition to imposing a veto in any discussion that Israel will be in a negative light or exceed the UN subjective discussion.
Also, we must not forget that in recent months formed a dangerous move by Erekat, Abu Mazen and Abu Ala concerning the submission of the UN Council resolution which includes a requirement for the establishment of a Palestinian state unilaterally under UN auspices. This process has been a lot of supporters in Europe. And it would be a disaster for Israel.
In connection with this subject, you can understand why Americans interested veto is undoubtedly offer significant benefits of the package. If Obama does not look "right" from Netanyahu, he may eventually own support during the Abu - Ala important veto and Israel at present.
Without this offer, no one promises to Israel that the Americans did not impose that the veto. In fact, chances are that Obama will promote the interested himself if he saw that Netanyahu did not "progressive", so to speak. Americans veto promise, is mainly about this offer, in addition to Goldstonim committees and other committees and anti-Zionist UN.

This long-term vision and a good deal. What else? This deal had to actually happen these days, if Netanyahu did not agree to freeze a year earlier.
State of Israel should not signal to the world she was ready to return territories without having to haggle over security arrangements and recognition of Israel as a Jewish state with a Jewish majority.
Cape added to the prime minister promised that the cabinet meeting that there would be freezing again. Which indeed will be a strategic mistake to freeze settlements and check again that there is something to talk Achsabpoal no recognition of the Palestinians in a Jewish state and no agreements or understandings on security arrangements.
Another important interested mention that he end of the day, the election decided that most of the public chose Likud, settlements in, Zionism and love of Eretz Israel and in fact tired of the left feebly affordable.

Yet no matter whether Netanyahu would choose at the truth "or" containing "the game is so hard and everything is so critical that, once again shows that any assault of the Israeli media's cries of stolen personal Cossack left that" fabric are no longer relevant "time, they are nothing Besides nonsense.
Netanyahu goes state manages the affairs of state and the wisdom and restraint in crises with our friends most wisdom, patience and persistence - which is security of the State of Israel.

Jewish anti-Semitism Zacha

To the rising anti-Semitism rising wave of "enlightened intellectuals" in Israel (some call it "self-flagellation") recently joined the "Star dare" new. Natan Zach question, or his real name - Harry Zietlbeach.
Jewish anti-Semitism is nothing new in Israel, abroad really is not. U.S. For example, we used to see such phenomena, especially college, when Stondttim professors try to join with Jews "enlightened" and just did not stick image "occupation", so to speak. Not too long ago we called the DW's nasty false report jurist Richard Goldstone, about terrorism rally came to Israel from Turkey in which he accuses the State of Israel crossing the border war crime (and the dialog - duplicity and hypocrisy celebrating, how No. serving top-appeal judge South Africa's apartheid era, he confirmed the execution of 28 blacks on violent crimes and punishment beatings of four blacks. one of the judgments Goldstone wrote that "the gallows is the only punishment that might deter murderers." Also sent to prison 13 year old who demonstrated against apartheid) and Missing more examples Jewish anti-Semites in the world - it is usually in the feminine spirit "of course.
But still there is a difference between the other anti-Semites of the Jewish State of Israel itself (Amos Oz, David Grossman, A.. In Joshua, and the like "axis of evil") and it gave clear.
Who is not familiar with the history of Zach, the great poet of the past, Almadchma the latter, on the other part is not considered Jewish according to Judaism because his mother was Christian and his father was an Italian Jewish German. According to Judaism, of course, the mother's religion is the determining factor.
But does this justify anti-Semitism, an accusation that all the ills of the world stem from the State of Israel (accusations of poor, ignorant and lacking in foundation as soon Andeskas them) swing terrorists?
By the way, not only the state of Israel itself felt the "landed arm" of the poet's anti-Semitic and racist, but also in the eastern community. Just this year, in an interview on Channel 10, spoke out in racist Natan Zach and blunt, saying in part "niggers shooting niggers." He added: "It's for Negroes Oriental," and - "there are two peoples who are not anything in common, these are the highest culture change, Western culture - European, who come from the caves." Following criticism of these statements Zach published an article Comment (cannot of course, one of the elements Jewish anti-Semitic base average). I wonder what will be this time ..

Even the very problem (or illness, you decide you) the poet's elder should not be an excuse for serious anti-Semitic manifestations.
Alcohol problem of Natan Zach is not anything new. It also reflected an embarrassing incident marred the Labour Party conference, when the poet Natan Zach - support the party - began to speak to the public while waving his arms. Labor officials believed that the poet was in drunk and he turns a few minutes by securing the front of the stage. Zach tried to resist the guards but he was pushed to the back of the stage present in trying to calm him.
I wonder if in another country, she was not "an apartheid state," for example - one of the Arab states, would get the problem with understanding ..
My guess - no.

An interview with Zach to YNET, he claimed proudly: "I want to remind people that my views have not changed in 20 years. When I returned from England in 1978 I announced a program of sorts TV glory my legs would not cross the Green Line. I will not visit there, and I do not want to spray get there. not Adroach in occupied territory. " He welcomed the initiative for the boycott of the theater on the settlement and said that during a visit Abgernia"ar me a huge demonstration attended by not only Muslims and called his name Israel an apartheid state. This country, I do not want to live, "he asserted. In addition, Zach strongly criticized the government expressed its concern that Israel would lead to wars and bloodshed: "I'm ready to rally - if I were a better swimmer I was also swimming. We built the jihad with our refusal." The poet said that the occupation is the source of most ills of Israeli society: "cruel oppression in our room. Not a day that people here are killed. The violence on the roads and in - school horror occupation. I was the security officer of the division 8. I do not defaulted, I participated in three wars that were life and death. "
As for his own quarters in the country, Zach said that "If I had known that Israel will be what it is today, I would not return to Israel from England in 1978. Can be written in Hebrew without living here. Do not need to hear every day on torture or accidentally killing a Palestinian. I would not want to end my life an apartheid state. "
Finally Msharoar question: "How can you fight with the entire Arab world forever?".

Well, let's start.
"Those who do not live in the valley, live in".
Natan Zach himself is using this statement. On the other hand, he himself thinks so: When a person declares that "only some glial not cross the Green Line. I will not visit there, I do not want to get there and spray Adroach occupied territory" - he automatically assumes that whoever does not live in Tel Aviv, Israel is probably not enough, not Jew stops and nothing about Zionism, who lives in the State of Tel Aviv, then this is probably at Bir human rights, "person" enlightened, civilized, rational and clear head.
Zach apparently has not visited in the West Bank in his life. If so, was it because they know that only the settlers, the state of his TA is in range of rockets and various like the Kassams. To sit down, they constitute a clear barrier between terrorists Tel - Aviv. Instead of sitting quietly Absnekin drink coffee, he still dare to complain.

I wonder whether Israel is really an apartheid state? Immediately comes to me oxygen to the brain and settle my mind.
Regardless of the history of Greater Israel, the Bible and so on. Governor really did not have any property rights to the land. Say really conquered it. I can to cooperate, briefly, with those "thinkers" Parents who do not understand a thing Israel's history.
Today, Gaza is not occupied at all.
Natan Zach quantity forgotten that Israel withdrew all settlements from the Gaza Strip. Gaza has a gate "to the world" through the Rafah crossing, which is controlled by Egypt - an Arab country in every respect.
We do not control them and we must provide them with nothing. Particularly when Hamas - who wants to destroy us, (yes, my dear Nathan. Morning) took over the Gaza Strip by force.

Why Mr. Zach entitled to roam the occupied Jaffa, the Executive Committee of the World (Summayl), Tel Aviv University (Sheikh - Munis), Acre, Hey path (a - stalactite), Ein - Hod (eye - Guus) and other places occupied by "J. of steps - the generation of Independence - that" killed, expelled and destroyed "the communities of the Palestinians" poor "because of you are sitting still in refugee camps? Is this not hypocrisy?
Ariel Jaffa Why not forbidden? Why we do not get the desired response so small from generations?

Whether people can be naive and innocent enough to close my eyes as Three monkeys Ahhmchim?

Furthermore. Events Atartz"v Atartz"te broke for lines 67, the events of riots also were a response to Israeli hostility.
How is such an Arab terrorist - Jihad to be exact - was because of Israel? After all these events occurred before the State!
Moreover, the Jihad is holy war, religious war and not "political war." That is to say - if and when the Arabs conquered the State of Israel, Natan Zach, knowingly could not sit Absnekin Ulatsut tea. Jihad orders to kill all infidels Hopper is non-Muslim.
Also, "Jihad", which speaks pure defense, is a sister movement the Muslim Brotherhood founded in Egypt in the thirties of last century.

Global jihad against Western civilization is. This is in the darkness to the light.
It has nothing to do with the State of Israel and the Palestinian problem (if the Arab nations was so mind their Palestinian brothers, they would give them a place in their country and they are looking for solutions only in the most advanced democracy in the Middle East, which happens to belong to the Jews).
The problem is not that the Palestinians do not state, but Jews have!
And that, given the likes smug Msonvarut not see their eyes.

Is Jihad really "born" as a result of "occupation"?
In light of solid facts - probably not.

Mgalvmanioat of them anti-Semitic Jews and hypocrites are convinced that what is happening in the Middle East is the creation of Israel, pitiful and incomprehensible stupidity.
These are people ignorant, uninformed and historical background that "ministers without aim."

Has a "kill" the same people liars, spreading fictions engage Beda - legitimacy to Israel Israel, root for good.
Yes, there is room for democratic political discourse between left and right, although even though there are hard facts the real truth in history and in the field, but in any of the painted anti-Semitic Jews in Muallem - have a world of difference and it's dangerous. Dangerous to us citizens, it is dangerous to Israel and dangerous world.

is that so?

Many in the media in ordinary politicians, expressed the Azaazoam, anger disgust their tirade of Avigdor Lieberman, this week, the UN they say "heap too much."

But what lives of those people? Is it personal communications and politicians failed to think beyond the territories? It's only natural for such a government will rise to the prime minister right "rebels" and the rabbis of peace. " True, they say, those people, but why degrade the Prime Minister and the state attended the UN? The same speech - ask correctly - could make Lieberman in the Knesset.

Really could. But again this is not a deep thinking clearly.
Without regard to the content of his speech Foreign Minister (and the diamond-shaped scales that palms and although it was little and holds multiple), Avigdor Lieberman, for his part discourse by its end, the speech itself showed how the state of Israel that wants peace with the Palestinians, and I see , mainly, according to Israeli media's reactions, just "bump" the foreign meat in advanced media print media and by the comments of quite a few politicians Amakoalcia itself and the opposition. right Omashaml.

According Makatargym, the Foreign Minister's speech at the UN is not acceptable in terms of local content. That is to say - even sub Lieberman space to the world and time and place he used were not correct or even worse. They, them, believe in direct talks, direct talks the overall peace process.

This fact, sees the world the "deep shock" expresses the public, media and government Randall's lips one foreign minister and "brightly colored painting" Israel's commitment to peace for me a two-state solution. And that good - the state benefited!
In passing, so do the Arabs themselves.
Most Arab leaders, particularly those of Fatah and the PLO (the time) attack the Zionists, did not recognize the State of Israel to the Jewish people, Mshloevim the crowd against the Israelis and condemn acts of terrorism. Immediately after the event or the other, leaving one leader, uttered words of peace and forgiving the world's media the next day painting the colors of the Palestinian peace-seekers define their own citizens as a leader of peace and Ratner. "
So our foreign minister apparently did not invent the formula of "good cop bad cop." After all, the detainee exhausted beating and pouring of the bad cop, would be happy to tell all sins to the good cop on a cup of coffee and a cigarette. This name of the game.

And here's another one aspect, the Palestinian media have thought about us. Aspect of the conspiracy theories Lminhen enthusiasts.
According to this theory, Lieberman's speech was coordinated with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Lieberman, apparently, was aware of the media echoes, the expected consequences blast waves after his speech and "sacrificed" himself politically for the peace process.

So, is Lieberman's speech Abigadre was so dangerous for Israel? Was he so dangerous situations Achshmnathim echoes all the following media?

Among the visitors the foreign minister, can be found, of course, the Professor Avishai Braverman, the gate was interested minorities.
Braverman asked Netanyahu to fire immediately Lieberman Avigdor Lieberman Abthoae harmful to Israel unprecedented damage. Braverman, of course, not one among the congregation of fans of the Secretary of State Lieberman and frequently visit him and brand him as a bad foreign R "in all possible media.
But Braverman wrong and misleading. Avigdor Lieberman is a bad foreign minister, but the opposite. Israel's diplomatic Nemshber with some countries is nothing more than political spin and trying to paste the name of Lieberman.

Lieberman has been interviewed interested "crises."
"Just this week, one day, I met with Foreign Minister of Germany, Foreign Minister of England, the Netherlands, Finland, Lithuania and Malta of the European Parliament in Brussels. Sometimes difficult conversations we had and sometimes we went to all sorts of philosophical discussions, but they all appreciate me because They know I'm not selling mine.
When I look at the recent vote on a report that UN Goldstone I see we got a situation where for the first time 18 countries voted with us. Once we were accustomed to the UN, alongside Israel, there are only the United States and Micronesia. Today there are many European countries stabilized by us a close. "‬
Only during an Israeli foreign minister arrives for the first time to Africa. I was with President of Uganda. I apologized to him that we visited there 40 years. And he gives me with my hand like that, not right mister, you were not here 45 years. Golda Meir visited us in ‭, '64-‬ And you had another visit, but he does not count.
There are many people who do not like me, but everyone refers to me seriously. I think we moved to Norway and Belgium. I speak with their foreign ministers on the phone many times. Norwegians spent a week not to support a vote on the Goldstone report. They also rejected all attempts for an academic boycott on Israel a close. "‬

Avigdor Lieberman is an excellent foreign minister, yes, real honest. Foreign Minister did not grovel to the world, Foreign Minister transmitting power, self-confidence and brand the country a strong and alert - these things were so missing the State of Israel in the recent past.

Shutting down the lights

Well folks, you can remove the masks! Remember that famous line of Moshe Ya'alon about the need to wear boots in Kiryat General Staff, to beware of snakes crawling over there? That most Israeli citizens feel today, but the language is all of Israel and not just the small general staff, making the subject more sensitive and dangerous.
Here's a bunch of junior actors directors, decided to do something! Any moment over the summer holidays, have to send their children to school, back to the boring routine of being reclining Lshlvhan Shenkin coffee with some of the elite is considered, the strongest of course - the "enlightened", let us not forget, God forbid, even for a moment, the New Aura. " This is a badge of honor for them - and what to do now to important dignitaries? to think up advice and do that good!
Gathered friends, other dignitaries, of course. Foundations of culture they call themselves! As mentioned above, collected, and came to signing a letter to all the world - you'll pardon the directness and vulgarity - a stupid one.
It should be noted. Yes, you can express an opinion, to protest and do anything he was not a criminal Abmdynatino. What to do, we still a democracy is weak shoots herself on foot at a time. But - and this is but a big, huge, huge - do it with wisdom, directness and rationality.
Theater actors likely these junior directors will receive "a badge of honor" by the leftist elite "enlightened" that controls the media, courts and culture, or so they thought before the letter was initiated by the interested stupid folly.
Still, to protest and to encourage a boycott of your work itself, is nothing less than a complete systems failure in the minds of those "foundations of culture" and various. Them "artists", "create" other vegetables must have forgotten one important thing - these are the residents of Ariel have paid their salaries and therefore these residents are entitled to a basic culture (although, as these are the daily reality, I doubt about their quality theatrical).
Not only! Them "artists" complain that Ariel is not expected to stay in the State of Israel in a permanent settlement signed with the Palestinians, if and when. The nature of theatricality and the game's still possible to argue last. The fact that they have no concept of Israeli policy and history - not possible. The ignorance about the "occupation" and other vegetables more understandable. Elite leftist brain washing them with nonsense. (What is most funny is that most "intellectuals" and since the culture, living in Tel - Aviv - Jaffa. If anything territories "occupied" Then to the end, no?) Go shelf history books and see who conquered whom. So on. The city of Ariel is an integral part of the State of Israel, period. someone thinks the framework of a two-state solution, Ariel dismantled or be annexed to the Palestinian territories? who fool who believes that?! No leader has declared it! So where security who draw initiators of the letter?
Nowhere, that's the answer. Far left controls imposes order in our lives through the media, the court culture is anti-Zionist, is anti-Jewish! This message of cheats Vcidodim enemy of the state constant. New Age, "the Left exists today in the country is no more culture of hatred, help the enemy, eliminating the Jewish state and turn it into a state of all its citizens and trying to eliminate Zionism. This minority, however, but a minority that is deep in the fray.
Entire people of Israel against the extreme left surreal. Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness who are trying to bring us disaster.
Still, let's play by their game. Governor and Ariel did not exist - according to their will. I'm sure that if instead of Ariel, a Palestinian city was established, then Mzvino defense was much better. (Just a few missiles that can destroy all the Dan Tel Aviv heart, big deal! "Moment .. the ..?" They must think to themselves, "What about coffee Absnekin? Maybe it's still a good idea that Ariel got up" .)
But leave the security situation. Culturally also was fantastic. Instead of Theatre Ariel, that they were confiscated, had been set up Palestinian theater (yeah, sure) and those "artists and artists' would appear there as they pleased. After all, it's not in "occupied territory."
And, although a little late, but - how not - a petition of players who refuse to appear at the Mann Ariel also won the Writers' signatures: AB Yehoshua, Amos Oz, David Grossman and Sami Michael.
How will remember them? Spend time in schools .., it makes no sense to sit quietly until the next book, right? Besides, they are educated, they are intellectuals, cultural foundations of first-rate, world leaders! And, of course, endowed with excellent timing.
Naphthalene smell still surrounds them, they get to show of protest against Habima Achshachtimutiam embedded in a great many. "Enlightened" elite! Always heads up with their backs up!
Why wait so long? This question.
Again, there is room for left wing position, has a wide range of views and a wide political spectrum. This is more obvious and important, that the definition of democracy. But where the Zionist left that existed before? What about the left is not a coward, he's not just anti - that is what contemporary and that's what going on among the elite? The left thinks, he really is a liberal and in favor of human rights, not just automatically against everything that consensus?
You can not go with biblical sandals today, not only because there is a certain elite entirely against Zionism, Bible and what that symbolizes them. Today you can go, as Bogie, only with boots. There are snakes everywhere, lurking and trying to bite you. Discredit the army, to prosecute in The Hague, turn to the UN, to appear before the children in Gaza but not in Sderot, to demonstrate the "enlightened" their Bil'in with throwing stones at police and soldiers, to hidden messages in the news, trying to sow destruction ars through the press.
Today, the masks were torn in the faces of those Jews consumed with self-hatred. Today, the show was over.


Festival "deportation" illegal foreign workers in the country is a feast for the media, leftist and pathetic hypocrisy of a cynical exploitation of foreign children.
True - the expulsion is painful, it hurts even more when it comes to small children connected local language and customs of Israel and now they have to do the way for her return home.
However, here comes the leftist elite and humane "image - the media trying to paint the" expulsion "as no more racism, discrimination and even, God forbid, human rights violations. Children are ripped back mg Paradise "plays" Dark "- no less, that describes it in the media in human rights bodies.
Well, it reminds me of a certain curiosity recently read Martha to share with you.

Narrated eagle landed in a king's palace. "Well, what is this strange bird?" Asked the religious scholars.
"Lord King, it's an eagle!", Showed him his disciples.
"Eagle? Come on .. bring me scissors at once!".
King took the scissors next to him and immediately began to cut: down feathers, then Abra, to giving eagle form of a crow.
When he finished, he looked pleased with his handiwork: "Oh! Now you look like a real eagle ..", he said.

What I want to introduce to you upon presentation of the brief story above, is that the media (after all, is controlled by the leftist elite), and other human rights activists and leftist Mtiipip bodies, try to portray the reality according to her (just like King story) and not by the standards of reality as it.
A little "cosmetic surgery", a lot of "wash words" heart-rending images of innocent children dressed in rags with Israeli flags with a sad smile.

And, as trying to help us moral dilemma difficult decision, announced the French led by President Nicolas Sarkozy, the deportation of 700 Gypsies from all over France.
Following the decision by French President to take tough against illegal immigrants, first flights took off yesterday from France to Romania, and board members of Roma (Gypsies).
Sarkozy's decision led to many condemnations from human rights organizations and from the opposition, however, but on the other there was no media and no festival in France viewed the news with a smile no innocent children singing the anthem and holding flags of the state.
In the past European countries have already returned migrants from their countries of origin cheated 10,000 people and Roma were returned from France in 2009.
"Deportations are these people return to their country and prove that we will not agree establish illegal camps in our country, as happened for too many years," said Family Affairs Minister Nadine Morano. Moreno added that France wants to stop the flow of immigrants of Roma, many of whom find themselves in the streets, begging and living are neglected camps. (Sound familiar?)
An attempt to deal with the phenomenon of Gypsy migration to his country, Sarkozy promoted immigration laws to allow repairs to carry out with relative ease expulsion on grounds of "maintaining public order." He said that those camps will be dismantled when they are staying Gypsies "This trafficking, prostitution and exploitation of children." (Achne.. That sounds familiar ..)

Even in Italy "does not rest on our laurels."
Police arrested 383 people - 268 of them foreigners - were transferred immediately to the border for expulsion (there were no committees, no human rights organizations and a new law in parliament), a week's operation that spans from northern Italy to the Naples area.
Detainees are immigrants from Eastern Europe, Albania, Greece, North Africa and China, the charges against them range from illegal entry to Italy to engage in prostitution, drug trafficking and robbery.
Silvio Berlusconi, Italian Prime Minister promised to take tougher policies against illegal immigrants, many of them hang the blame for rise in crime. Government works to promote new laws to supervise the immigrant, Yasser or deport those of them who break the law.
Umberto Bossi, leader of the Northern League, which doubled its strength after the recent elections and received, among others, the Interior Ministry portfolio, said: "This operation against illegal immigrants is good because that's what people want. They want us to safety and we must provide them him, "said the leader of the league.

Whom the return of refugees to their country is not good? Of course, the Israelis!
It seems that only Israel has feelings, compassion and humanity. We must appear Achshmsmar world's main human rights. Must be differentiated. We always Iodyam better than anyone else.
"Europeans cold, they have no emotion. They do not like us", say to themselves leftists slapping themselves on the back with great pride.

Well folks. Europe, too deep in the "game" is. Why they allowed refugees to their country and we pig forbidden? What are we different from the rest of the world?
Moreover, in Europe there is a law that allows Gypsies to settle land another European country in the EU! Of course, the law also requires the Gypsies to be based in the country, pay taxes and work in - what gypsies do not do - but Europe still provocative law and they return the Gypsies to their country.
With us? With us is that more foreign workers without permits who infiltrated from Sudan, Eritrea and other African countries. There are no laws allowing them to stay in our lands, period. And yet we are not doing enough to stop the flow of refugees already in Ahahasattanut deep within us.
Has a new state in central Tel Aviv, in south Tel Aviv central bus station, and another new country - in Eilat itself. Celebrating drugs, people lying in the streets, prostitution, crime, disease and squalor.
What about our future? Is not our fate Mdynatino demographics we are not important enough?
In two years will be an immigrant in Israel 100 000 - valid from Africa, it warns chairman of the House Committee for Foreign Workers, MK Jacob (as a shadow, e) Katz. Shadow guys says the citrus after a series of extensive tours conducted by Tel Aviv Eyal, the cities that are centers of infiltrators from Africa.
Katz says that even now, in the lower grades in school in Tel Aviv, foreign students constitute a majority students in the classrooms.
MK Katz presents even more difficult data from Eilat, where, according to the municipality, any person Friday in the city is an infiltrator - the laws of Africa. As a result, the Eilat municipality and the police report, increased level of crime in the city of alarming dimensions significantly harm tourism in the city.
Katz presents a particularly difficult forecast: "since the Prime Minister Netanyahu took office, tripled the number of infiltrators from Africa to 30 thousand." Katz said, "until he completes his term Netanyahu hundred thousand Africans are illegal without an identity in Israel, most of them in Tel Aviv and Eilat .
Tel Aviv District Police express concern has long been the phenomenon of illegal infiltrators - who came to Tel Aviv illegal, according to county police officials, the infiltrators living in crime rose by 60%.

And all this information, have the same fools dare to make comparisons to the Holocaust. This is a black stain for these innocent people Abmdynatino. This is disrespect for the most severely Holocaust. This is a cynical use of insulting you ever.
Does anyone dare get on a low lip in Europe the Second World War outlaws as Sscoanim expelled from their lands back to Romania and Bulgaria?
And the poor Jews who were permanent residents lived on the land law outlaws European refugees and criminals who infiltrated the borders moved forbidden? Where the audacity and stupidity of this comparison?
And yes, there are people who carry out this infantile comparison.

In summary, the prime minister to establish offices inside and outside crisp, clear regulations outlaw against infiltrators and stop the illegal wave permeability my daughter immediately, while continuing to perform illegal workers return to their homeland.
In the end nothing if not do anything, is the Mdynatino derivative pieces, as that of another feather feather cut, then moved to Abra of the eagle miserable end became a crow ..

Although you, Brutus?

"Gallant document" is undoubtedly a sign of shame badge of shame for the army. Some might say that even a disgrace.
Israel Defense Forces should provide integrity, prestige, integrity and reliability. For years - so we thought - the IDF was clean all tools of political appointments, which do not fit the body that is so important, designed to protect us from any attack that will not be any time. Is strictly forbidden army mix in national politics because it must be more Dental Clinic and clean aesthetic.
Now, "Galant document" hit us in amazement and smashed us the same bubble "which, apparently, until the moment we are exposing the document - original or fake, it does not matter - Channel 2.
Without going into the question of the authenticity of the document, disclosure, then, is a great shame and cast mud on all the top army and awe of all the people.
Does "child" that Phillnu? Did the IDF sinner sin of arrogance? "Although you, Brutus?"
Not enough for us that the political system along with almost every second person in the country tainted by corruption, political appointments, deals, leaks power games - now the IDF also entered the pool of mud?
The military is a single purpose entity - to keep the citizens of Israel at any given time. Exposing the document raises more questions and painful that must be asked, the names of the IDF's goal a big question mark and threatens us all.
Mathibuat between Defense Minister Ehud Barak and chief of staff, Gabi Ashkenazi, until now fed by rumors and speculation. No one really turned his attention to that conflict chasm opened between these two men. However, the above document Meir in a different light the question personalities conflict .
Chief of staff admitted in his testimony that he had received the document and saw four months ago. How could be have not seen since the defense minister the same document?
One can understand the Ashkenazi. Still, the conflict with Defense Minister coolness resides among them were hidden from public view in recent months. Then came the same document in which, as noted, Ashkenazi slandered and detailed the manner of appointing the next chief of staff Galant.
Ashkenazi See this document the chord of his appointment as chief of staff and insult clear. It is likely inflated egos is not allowed him to walk and talk with Defense Minister Barak, that it is not exactly one of his best friends.
Nevertheless, IDF and security establishment should be a clear hierarchy on which the Chief of Staff reports to the defense minister, and certainly in such cases. Even if Ashkenazi was not sure the credibility and originality of the document, he had to share that the defense minister - despite the cool relations between the two.
Itself and the Gallant, who apparently was unaware of the document, and sat in those rooms where sat the rest of the generals who knew of the document in question. How they felt in those briefings? How he felt? Teamwork probably was not there.
This is definitely not working properly form the General Staff. Not the army command may be fights, intrigue, secrets for running a political appointment - however luxurious. This is unbearable and unacceptable in this slime IDF corridors penetrate.
You may not Kirya walks the corridors of officers with belly fat meat, high-end sunglasses and toothpick in their mouths on their faces when the only concern is "what will my next job."
The IDF has to go back to basics, sources. The army should serve the people and not vice versa. Cultural corruption among the higher echelon and the army is celebrating the last thing we needed on the head right now with Iran's nuclear armament, strengthening of Hezbollah in the north and the threat from Hamas.
All these and others must be top priority of the General Staff.
The Prime Minister to commit an act, in cooperation with the defense minister. At this time it is necessary to impose the order, with "cleaning Evra" leader who could Lahahziar the lost honor of the defense establishment and the IDF in particular.
Have to reject all three candidates as chief of staff offering them early retirement. Has cut the corruption and the culture of "cocktails" from the ground up and the best way to do this is to replace all the senior army leadership and bring fresh breeze, a thick younger and "bread" .
"Gallant document" is actually a mirror to the army command and as such, is bound to worry about intra-organizational change in the higher echelons of the IDF.

Explaining to screamer

The government's decision today in line with the UN investigation committee to examine the results of the Turkish rally is brave and correct decision.
True, there is shouting "capitulation" in the face of the world, or to use words like: obsequiousness, cowardice and contempt.
However, those people are right in some sense - but it is only in the context of continuity. Residents of the State of Israel is accustomed to a policy of subservience to the world with forbearance on Ahteahut committees false or subjective, but this case is different and not necessarily indicative of weakness.
UN Secretary General Ban Ki - Moon, already announced that he plans to establish an international investigation committee to discuss the results of the rally the Turkish education in Israel. Ban also a conversation with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Barak announced that South Korean that is not going to let go of the commission in question.
Due to UN Secretary General's insistence, Israel could not refuse to cooperate again and international level. Turkish rally event so lonely even introduced it to Israel in a bad light for me but - despite the rally with us in Turkey would know everything, but not humanitarian. Therefore, the whole world must be presented to our findings. Israel has no international committee to hide and can be used as an important global public relations.

Eve of the Turkish rally results, Israel refused to cooperate with the international investigation committee rightly. The government did not know at first whether mistakes were made by IDF soldiers and were not appropriate and provide her findings.
Now, when obtained by the government all the tools needed to prove it was a cheap provocation from the Turks learned of the errors were not soldiers in terms of harming innocent people and reviewing the investigation committee to the general reserves, Giora Eiland - which pointed to mistakes in planning the operation but no action made by the soldiers ("made errors in planning, but the naval fighters were exemplary. not sure you could prevent the killing of activists".) - Israel can confidently attest quietly international investigation committee and show all the findings of the investigation of a report and photographs Island video stills of the media in different countries.

However, very could be that the government could get to this Committee with further significant advantage.
"Türkel Committee - a committee of inquiry" face - projects "set up by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who (along with" Island Committee "the" face - for security reasons "), was supposed to and should converge much earlier start to investigate the events soon.
Committee to examine the events of the rally was first convened in Gaza, on Wednesday, -16.6.2010, Jerusalem. Meeting did not deal with substantive content, but more familiarity between the members of the committee determining the committee's work practices. Also, worth noting that both foreign observers, David Trimble and Ken Watkin, just arrived on 27/06/2010 and therefore did not participate at the meeting.
If and when the committee was finishing its investigation before the international investigation, Israel's hand was on top thanks to a deep analysis, real and objective that was presented to members of the international committee.
Meanwhile, Israel would be satisfied with the report Island.

Turkey celebrate the achievement. " Turkey's leading newspapers this morning were the day's headlines victory and achievement. And for what?
"Do Ithall wear as a key" - the Turkish government can cheer whenever she feels like it. The fact that Turkey sweeping the findings and ignore the facts (about the flotilla were terrorists in every respect with large weapons caches humanitarian guise) as were never, not help them a lot of the international investigation committee of the UN. If I am Prime Minister of Turkey, I begin to prepare a defense from now. Turks have no chance to get out of this committee enlightened, poor victims of terrorism.

In summary, the State of Israel should agree to participate in the international investigation committee if only to bring out the truth two years only we, citizens, aware of her, and thus improve its image in the world and try to ease the global isolation surrounding the state since the Turkish rally, killing nine activists on board " Ahmarmra. "